

1. Test your Unloki
2. Software preparation
3. Configuration
4. Upload the Sketch
5. Use the Unloki

Step 1: Test your Unloki

Unloki (orange) kit includes RFID card and keyfob
  1. Attach the Unloki to your computer if you haven’t already.
  2. Open your favorite text editor.
  3. Hold your implant on top of the Unloki.
  4. The UID/NUID number of your implant appears in the text editor window.

Step 2: Software preparation

  1. Download and install the Arduino IDE from the Arduino website.
  2. Download the Unloki Sketch and library from my GitHub repository.
  3. Place the folder “Unloki” in the Documents → Arduino folder.
  4. Unzip the file libraries.zip and place the folders “NDEF”, “PN532” and “PN532_I2C” in the Documents → Arduino → libraries folder.

Step 3: Configuration

  1. Run the Arduino program and open the Unloki.ino sketch.
Arduino IDE, lines 30-31 highlighted
  1. On line 30:
    if (uid == "01 23 AB CD") {
    change the example UID number from “01 23 AB CD” to the UID number of your implant. The UID number must be in uppercase and have spaces.
  2. On line 31:
    Keyboard.print("Passphrase"); // Sends the string "Passphrase" to the computer
    change the example “Passphrase” to your account password, or whatever you would like to appear when your implant is read by the Unloki.
  3. Optional: repeat steps 10 & 11 and edit lines 36 & 37 if you have another implant or would like to use the included RFID/NFC card or keyfob.

Step 4: Upload the sketch

  1. In the menu bar, go to Tools → Board and select “Arduino Leonardo”.
  2. In the menu bar, go to Tools → Port and select the correct one.
  1. In the menu bar, go to Sketch → Verify/Compile.
  2. If no errors appeared, go to Sketch → Upload.

Step 5: Use the Unloki

  1. Switch back to the text editor and let the Unloki read your implant.
  2. Lock your computer.
  3. Put the focus on the password field and let the Unloki read your implant. If everything was done correctly, you just logged in by scanning your implant instead of typing a password!
Unloki (orange)

By Patrick Paumen

Biohacker/cyborg with 11 magnet & 19 RFID implants. PGP fingerprint: 65E7 268F 435D 9581 1BCC 824F CC9D BABA A870 6ED7