1. Test your Unloki
2. Software preparation
3. Configuration
4. Upload the Sketch
5. Use the Unloki
Step 1: Test your Unloki

- Attach the Unloki to your computer if you haven’t already.
- Open your favorite text editor.
- Hold your implant on top of the Unloki.
- The UID/NUID number of your implant appears in the text editor window.

Step 2: Software preparation
- Download and install the Arduino IDE from the Arduino website.
- Download the Unloki Sketch and library from my GitHub repository.
- Place the folder “Unloki” in the Documents → Arduino folder.
- Unzip the file and place the folders “NDEF”, “PN532” and “PN532_I2C” in the Documents → Arduino → libraries folder.

Step 3: Configuration
- Run the Arduino program and open the Unloki.ino sketch.

- On line 30:
if (uid == "01 23 AB CD") {
change the example UID number from “01 23 AB CD” to the UID number of your implant. The UID number must be in uppercase and have spaces. - On line 31:
Keyboard.print("Passphrase"); // Sends the string "Passphrase" to the computer
change the example “Passphrase” to your account password, or whatever you would like to appear when your implant is read by the Unloki. - Optional: repeat steps 10 & 11 and edit lines 36 & 37 if you have another implant or would like to use the included RFID/NFC card or keyfob.
Step 4: Upload the sketch
- In the menu bar, go to Tools → Board and select “Arduino Leonardo”.
- In the menu bar, go to Tools → Port and select the correct one.

- In the menu bar, go to Sketch → Verify/Compile.
- If no errors appeared, go to Sketch → Upload.

Step 5: Use the Unloki
- Switch back to the text editor and let the Unloki read your implant.
- Lock your computer.
- Put the focus on the password field and let the Unloki read your implant. If everything was done correctly, you just logged in by scanning your implant instead of typing a password!